
Of the early Playboy Playmates (Miss July 1959, photographed by none other than Russ Meyer), Yvette Vickers was seriously one of the hottest, a true beauty, in or out of clothing, and she wasn't even all that nude in the magazine... Because all of her expenses (rent, utilities, taxes, etc.,) were paid automatically from her checking account each month, it took a year before she was found dead at age 82, in all respects a mummy. Even a space heater had been plugging along for a year, adding to the decomposition. What we offer is the 15 page Los Angeles County Coroner's autopsy, detailed to the last.

Born Anna Maria Pierangeli, Miss Angeli is truly one of Hollywood's lost beauties, having succumbed to a barbiturate overdose at age 39. Her all but forgotten film career was far from extraordinary, and her marriage to Vic Damone a failure, possibly adding to her early demise. We offer her 16 page autopsy and coroner's reports, which include detailed toxicological results. Death certificate included.

The Los Angeles County Coroner has the actual Brown-Simpson file on "SECURITY HOLD" which at this point in time means that the file is essentially sealed by the court. Since we have access to much of the testimony in the Simpson criminal trial, we therefore have access to the text of the autopsy report (8 pages) which we offer here, down to it's last detail. Copy of the death certificate also included. Ron Goldman autopsy report also included.

Cassidy, the ex-husband of Shirley Jones (and father of singer David Cassidy) met a tragic death in an apartment fire in 1976. We present his very interesting 10 page will and 2 page codicil as well as the 2 page Petition for Probate and an extremely macabre claim against the estate for the fire damage to the apartment in which Cassidy died. Two pages of funeral info also included.

Twisted as we may seem, Divine (given name Harris Glenn Milstead) was always one of our favorite "off the wall" performers. Divine starred in such memorable films as MONDO TRASHO, FEMALE TROUBLE, LUST IN THE DUST and the perennial favorite PINK FLAMINGOS. Divine died intestate, so we offer 6 pages of petitions pertaining to his (her?) estate, plus the 2 page death certificate.

Hexum was an up-and-coming new TV personality when he suffered a self-inflicted gunshot (a stage pistol shooting blanks, no less) wound to the head, ending his life in 1984. Since he died intestate we present a 2 page Petition for Probate, a waiver of claim to the estate by his father, an interesting 8 page final accounting of the estate, and a 2 page claim (and single page rejection) against the estate by the doctor who treated him after the accident.

Born Christopher Crosby Farley, the SNL big fella wanted to follow in his idol Belushi's footsteps, and unfortunately got his wish. Farley died without leaving a will, but with an estate valued at $5 million based on these court documents. In this small but informative file we offer 8 pages, which includes a petition, affidavit, court order, and waiver. Death certificate included.

Before she became Marilyn Monroe, she was Norma Jeane Dougherty, and the wife of James Edward Dougherty until their Las Vegas divorce in 1946. We have located the 2 page Complaint (which contains her highly recognizable signature) and 2 page Decree from that divorce, and offer them here, along with a text transcript. A very unique item!

Dana Plato, that cute little Kimberly Drummond on TV's DIFFERENT STROKES appeared as though she was just getting her life back together, (after numerous busts for narcotics, armed robbery and shoplifting). In May of 1999 she decided to end that young life with a lethal combination of even more drugs. We offer the Oklahoma Coroner's 10 page report, noting that due to her previous attempts to take her own life, he had no choice but to rule her death a suicide. Dana Plato was 34.

The avant-garde comedian died tragically in May of 1992, the victim of a head-on crash in of California's Mojave Desert. Where autopsies of celebrities are generally performed in large cities and with great notoriety, Kinison's was performed by a San Bernardino County (CA) doctor at the mortuary to which his body was taken, with little or no fanfare. The two page autopsy report and single page drug screen report arte accompanied by his death certificate. Kinison's last will and testament can be found elsewhere in our catalogues.